Turning 40 with Grace

Turning 40 started to freak me out all of a sudden. Obviously I knew my birthday was going to happen but I didn’t expect to freak out about it. But I did. Did you freak out when you turned 40? Or maybe a friend of yours did? In my conversations lately, I’ve had people tell […]

How to Build Vulnerability from the Inside Out

How can I practice being more vulnerable and still feel safe? Have you every wondered this? It’s a million dollar question that I have asked myself and was asked by a client. I want to share with you the intuitive guidance that came through for her and has stayed with me and led to a […]

Tips to make choices and decisions easier

What do you feel when you hear the word CHOICE? Or the word DECIDE? What does your mind immediately jump to? For me those two words used to conjure up fear, uncertainty, feeling incapable, feeling trapped.  Choices and decisions were very hard for me to make, too, because of a deep seated belief that nothing I […]

How to build self trust

On a scale of 1 – 10, how much do you figure you trust yourself?(1= not at all, 10=completely) I’ll be honest, I used to be on the very bottom of that scale. Sometimes even on the negative side! And it’s because I used thing trust was a feeling. Sometimes I would have it and […]