“What does self love mean? How do you do it? Spa treatments?” my client asked me once. If you’re not used to having a self love practice or are new to the idea of it, it can feel really mysterious and vast.  First, let’s separate self love and pleasure. Loving yourself can lead to feelings of pleasure but pleasure doesn’t always lead to self love. It all comes down to your own definition of how you want to feel, what you like to do, and what makes you feel deliciously loved and happy. Loved by you. It’s easy to think that going for spa treatments, massages, or manicures is the only way to love yourself because these activities and services imply being cared for. But if you don’t like spa treatments or manicures this simply means you don’t like them – not that you don’t love yourself.  Maybe your idea of fun and feeling loved is walking in a forest or going for a run. Maybe it’s reading a book or browsing a used book store. Maybe it’s coffee with a friend.  To begin practicing self love you need to know what you love to do that makes you feel deliciously happy. You are developing a relationship with yourself that is nurturing and loving. There are more layers to it but this is a great place to start. I share more tips in my video below.