3 Secrets to Success

Have you ever compared yourself to really successful women? You know, the ones who love themselves, accept their own flaws, ooze confidence and self trust, and whatever they choose to do turns out beautifully? I’ll be honest with you, I used to be so freaking jealous of those women! I was certain they knew something […]

Tips to make choices and decisions easier

What do you feel when you hear the word CHOICE? Or the word DECIDE? What does your mind immediately jump to? For me those two words used to conjure up fear, uncertainty, feeling incapable, feeling trapped.  Choices and decisions were very hard for me to make, too, because of a deep seated belief that nothing I […]

How to stop emotional venting

Oh, this was one of those conversations. I was standing in line waiting to pay for my groceries listening to a stranger vent, completely incensed at something that had happened to her that day. She proceeded to tell me all about the dramas going on in people’s lives and how it’s the same as before, […]

How to get over a gratitude hangover

Ever had one of those amazing weekends where it feels like you’re in a time warp of productivity, fun, and relaxation all wrapped up into three days? You get all the house stuff done, everyone pitches in. You eat the most delicious and nutritious food. You have time for yourself, your kids, your spouse and […]