Dear Spiritual Seeker,


You actually know a lot more than you think you do. 

And you have your life purpose inside you – hidden in plain sight so that when you’re ready, you can remember it.

It’s like playing the game of hot and cold – you’re looking for the thing that someone else has hidden and they’re giving you clues as to whether you’re getting close (hot) or further away (cold). 

You have the power to do that for yourself. Yes, you do.

It takes practice and it takes you trusting yourself and believing that it’s possible for you. 

Your life purpose or the thing you came here to do, learn, play with, experience – whatever you want to call it, is not just one thing. It’s layered and multi-faceted. You’re meant to reveal it as you go along and polish it, just like you would polish a diamond or a statue.


When you first find a diamond it’s a chunk of rough stone. You chip away pieces of it and shape it and then you polish the faces last. 


Your life purpose is like that and the way you know you’re getting closer to it is by whether you’re following your bliss and doing the things that light you up.


Often, when we get to midlife, it feels like you’ve completely missed the mark and you haven’t even come close to your purpose – but I bet you the farm that that’s not true!


You have had experiences that have brought you incredible clarity, joy and meaning. 

You’ve also had experiences that have brought you pain, challenge and struggle.


Through these experiences you have gotten to know yourself better. 

You know what you don’t want and what you do want.

You know when you trust yourself and when you don’t.

You know. But you might be thinking that it’s not enough. 


Even in my work with the Akashic Records information about purpose is revealed in layers or stages.
If the whole point of you living this life is to find or create success, meaning, joy, love and happiness, and enjoy yourself, all the moments when you experience these things are bringing you closer to you fulfilling your purpose. 

The journey becomes part of that fulfillment.

The journey is the purpose. 


Remember a time when you completely trusted yourself 100%. What did that feel like? What did you see, hear and say? Take yourself back to that space and sit in that energy of trust and you will magnetize more trust to you. If you can’t think of a time when you trusted yourself 100% then find a time that’s as close to it as possible. Maybe 70% or 83%. Start where you are already clear and I promise you, more clarity will come. More trust will come. And you will know the next step towards your purpose.

Kasia Rachfall is a numerologist, Akashic Records Teacher, Energy Kinesiologist, and mentor for spiritual entrepreneurs who are ready to receive Sacred Fame for their work in the world. For Kasia’s free resources click here.

Kasia Rachfall is a coach to spiritual entrepreneurs who desire sacred fame.